The current exhibition of Nicole Page-Smith's drawings and photographs took Page-Smith to her last trip to London, to browse through current literature. Nicole Page-Smith has always enjoyed the London press. Quite often the quiet Christmas holiday months are a good time to catch up on some reading. Working as a full-time artist in the studio leaves little time to browse through the catalogues and literature of an extended time overseas. There is no time to look at catalogues and art books purchased while traveling. Often, the exhibition catalogues are pre-released prior to an exhibition, especially a traveling show and this allows referral, good planning for the trip. Traveling overseas is precious.
Sometimes selecting a book from the shelf is the best way forward for Nicole Page-Smith with a new direction for the work in mind. Often with the abundance of literature available Page-Smith can be pulled one way or another and some books get left half finished, for a future date. One such philosophical text, Nicole Page-Smith, had on her top shelf, for a selection was only half read and Page-Smith does remember the inquiry started in her early twenties. Nicole Page-Smith was asked to explain her work at art school and this intellectual communication became the norm for Melbourne based artists of a contemporary nature.
Nicole Page-Smith recalls nature in bound and plenty.