Thursday, 10 November 2016

After Durer

Durer's Self Portrait, Nicole Page-Smith, 2013

After Durer

"After Durer" is the name of a recent development on the current series of Nicole Page-Smith, paintings. On Nicole Page-Smith's last European excursion, Page-Smith, decided to contribute her first photography project, a series of photographs taken while traveling around Europe. It is interesting how memories swell and resonate in the mind and are remembered several years later. The current, Page-Smith, paintings, sometimes use photography as a reference and other times memory. Nicole Page-Smith spent three months traveling around Europe, in 2013, using Frankfurt, in Germany, as a base. Frankfurt was also, host to a major Durer exhibition in the Stadel Museum over the three month stay. While, in Frankfurt, there were several other exhibitions worth attending including a major exhibition of late Philip Guston paintings, Theodore Gericault paintings and Roni Horn photographs, at the Schirn Kunsthalle. Art exhibitions and music are in saturation throughout Europe so, the influence of viewing takes years to absorb. Other, exhibitions included: Dix/Beckmann, "Mythos Welt", in Mannheim; Zurburan, Antonello da Messina, and the Venice Biennale's exhibition, in Italy; "Springtime in the Renaissance", at the Louvre Museum, "The Renaissance and Dream", at the Luxembourg Museum, Erwin Blumenfeld photography and Pierre Huyghe, in Paris; Paul Klee in London; and Edvard Munch, in Zurich, Switzerland, to mention a few. 

The "After Durer" series of paintings are after the Nicole Page-Smith, photographs of the Albrecht Durer, "Self Portrait", 1500, held in the Alte Pinakotheck, collection, in Munich, Germany.