Sunday, 2 February 2014

Books in the running brooks

Aviary, Nicole Page-Smith, 2014

Following on to the divine garden of earthy delights, the next stage was some divine contemplation in a place where Adam and Eve seemed to live somewhere else. Local stone is plentiful for special assignments unto God. There are books in running brooks, sermons in stones and good in empathy... as you like it! Like Adam and Eve who for some were tempted by Satan to have a love affair on earth, like Passage After the Fall. This slithery, snake eyed god for others was not attempting to have the unblessed understand divine knowledge but Adam and Eve to find God in the apple tree, for others eternal life and Heaven on earth via the plant love. This sacred understanding of Adam and Eve is not a common translation of the bible but has a really biblical translation through early Christian painting. This dream place is full of magical plant love and useful divine animals. This place in the heart of man is where God would like humans to feel and a divan understanding reached by all. Divine birds would tenant this place. And golden trees. There would be no division between Heaven and Hell because there would not need to be. Nicole Page-Smith, went to this divine island not to find Christ in the garden rubbish tin, or Big Bird in the street going unnoticed. No society on earth feels more emotionally tortured about a lack of society, than the place God took Nicole Page-Smith to. This strange divine island feels all about the plant life as though the people went missing somewhere. Given where the island is situated, no other idea is necessary other than to observe empathy and then go and propagate the roses.

Harris Smith