Saturday, 1 February 2014


Aviary, Nicole Page-Smith, 2014

Like these divan birds of the forest who broadcast the news with their splendor and brightly colored feathers, in a glimpse among the treetops, the bottom forest floor rodents have to scram or become an incoming meal. This happened with future exhibitions in Sydney for Nicole Page-Smith, with Royal supplicants, who (God love or hate them) are unfortunately no longer with us. In Australia, other than having Black Cockatoo's who screech like harpies broadcasting a sirocco, although harpies would only be sent by the gods to scratch you to pieces, like an evil Southerly gale bringing about a blizzard storm. Cockatoo's live out in Central Australia and either broadcast the incoming wet season or a heat wave if they are Sulphur Crested White Cockatoo's, to any local marsupial males more commonly known as kangaroos who frequent a clearing in the forest mainly golf courses these days in Australia. This is a very cool place for them to rest in the heat of the day or the soaring 40C (plus) searing temperatures of a hot summers day. Other Australian birds who screech like screech owls and are also broadcasting incoming rain mainly only frequent the south of Australian boarders, these Galahs are also reasonably unintelligent birds as far as bird species go. The real Royal variety of birds in native Australian forests, frequent the cool shade of tree lined farms to inform the screech owls of the mice population on the forest floor.

Harris Smith